Themis Test-net 2.0 Upgrade & Second Round of Farming Campaign

3 min readOct 9, 2021


Themis Ropsten Test network Version 2.0 Upgrade

After hundreds of whitelists have tested and used the features in Themis ropsten test network version 1.0, in order to provide a better experience and service to users, we are going to upgrade the Themis ropsten test network to version 2.0 and improve some features:

  1. The SP-token of the lending pool can be transferred to different wallets, and the balance of assets deposited in the lending pool will also transfer to the new address of wallets.
  2. The liquidation & auction is officially launched. If your collateralized assets fluctuate too much, they might be liquidated.
  3. Optimized the bug for “not being able to Repayment”.
  4. Optimized some interface display details.
  5. Account feature added we will be testing the use of NFT Avatar to increase the lending rate to 65%.


Repay your loans and withdraw all assets from the pool before October 10th, OR You will be no longer find your pool asserts during the ropsten test network 2.0 update and will not be able to participate in the next farming campaign.

Note: The update period is about 5–7 days, please be patient with this.

The second round of $TMS Farming Campaign

Event Details:

Test-net users will gain the most $TMS holdings by farming and another way from the start of the campaign to the end of the campaign and complete a few simple tasks to easily earn $TMS tokens after the main net is launched and an additional $BUSD reward issued at the end of the round.

All remaining TMS on whitelisted accounts at the end of the test network campaign and the mining contest can continue to participate in the next round of ranking until the final snapshot of the TGE.

Event Date:

Start time: 2021.10.15, 12:00PM, GMT+8 (Singapore)

End time: 2021.11.05, 12:00PM, GMT+8 (Singapore)

Campaign Rewards.

  1. All whitelisted users can receive a $500TMS airdrop reward when the main-net is online, but if you are on Top100 address or above, we will base the ranking reward list on a snapshot of the amount of $TMS tokens holdings in the last round of the farming campaign, and only once. (The last round of farming campaign ranking addresses will be used)

Top5 $5,000 $TMS, Top30 $2,000 $TMS,

Top100 1000 $TMS, Remanings: 500 $TMS

2. An additional bonus: The second round of Farming Campaign (the winning address can be repeated for each round)

  • Top5 get 50 $BUSD extra bonus
  • Top6-Top30 get 30 $BUSD extra bonus
  • Top31-Top100 get 15 $BUSD extra bonus

💡Warm tips:

Whitelist users can try to communicate with the top100 winners of the first round of farming campaign in our Telegram and Discord channel, and you can learn from their experience.

Finally, we hope you can get more $TMS holdings in the second round of farming campaign, to become our real Themis players.

About Themis⚖️

Themis Protocol is a native crypto lending protocol that provides collateralized lending of NFTs through historical NFT transaction data. Themis itself is a set of DeFi protocols developed based on smart contracts. It allows users to play different roles in the governance chain according to their risk appetite and earn corresponding yields.

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